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Difference between Hospitality and Hotel Management

Difference between Hospitality and Hotel Management

Edited By Prerna Goel | Updated on Feb 03, 2024 02:13 PM IST

Difference between Hospitality and Hotel Management- If you have ever dreamt of working in the hotel management industry, you must necessarily know the key difference between hospitality management and hotel management. There always seems to be a lot of confusion when it comes to choosing between hotel management and a hospitality management degree. India has always been a land that treats its guests as its own citizens as is evident from the common saying, ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’. Thus implying, hospitality is ingrained in its culture.

Difference between Hospitality and Hotel Management
Difference between Hospitality and Hotel Management

There are numerous hospitality management courses and degrees available in India. However, these hospitality management courses are often confused with hotel management courses. Many students usually consider both one and the same. But are they? Can they be used interchangeably? Turns out it isn’t so. Though both hotel management and hospitality management deal with the service sector, they are quite different from each other. Let us look into the broader aspects so that you get a clear picture of what is the difference between hospitality and hotel management.

What is Hotel Management?

Hotel Management, as the term suggests, is focused on managing all aspects related to the functioning of a hotel. It involves learning management techniques that are applicable to hotel administration, marketing, housekeeping, maintenance, catering, etc. Unlike the hospitality industry, hotel management is focused on the hotel industry and its functioning. There are multiple job profiles in hotel management and the scope of a career in hotel management depends upon the education of the candidate, work experience, skills, and ability to handle tough situations.

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Hospitality Management Meaning

Hospitality management is all about people. Hospitality is not restricted to the hotel alone but could be anywhere. The ‘Travel and Tourism’ industry looks to hire professionals from hospitality, of which hotel management is a significant branch. Students of hospitality management can have wider career options in hospitality than a hotel management student. In fact, many MNCs and some of the larger IT companies employ hospitality management professionals to coordinate guest arrivals, meetings, dining and departure, while at their premises. With a continually changing business environment and emerging strategies in technologies, the hotel industry has given a new look to the hospitality careers as per the new-age workforce.

Hospitality Management Vs Hotel Management

While the hospitality and hotel industry are both parts of the travel and tourism sector, they are different in various respects. The following table analyses the prime differences between hotel management vs hospitality management:

Difference between Hotel and Hospitality Management


Hotel Management

Hospitality Management

Area of work

Only concerned with the hotel industry and its functioning

An umbrella term concerned with different industries like food and beverage, travel, event management, etc.

Job Opportunities

Available only in the hotel sector with jobs like hotel manager, housekeeping, etc

Available in varied sectors with jobs like casino manager, event manager, resort manager, etc.

Driven by

Operations management

People management


Salaries are high only after gaining relevant years of experience

Entry-level jobs also pay well

5 Key Differences between Hospitality and Hotel Management

Let us now try to understand more clearly the main differences in detail between the hotel management and hospitality management.

1. Area of work

As the name suggests, hotel management deals with all aspects of managing a hotel or more broadly, any lodging establishment such as a B&B, resort, etc. India, being an important tourism hub, is home to a large number of hotels and hotel chains. Hotel management involves managing their day-to-day operations. Hospitality management, on the other hand, is a broader term used to describe any sector that deals with people management. It could be casinos, nightclubs, conferences, events, sales, business development, and even hotels.

2. Employment sectors

Hotel management mandates working exclusively in the hotel industry or the travel and tourism industry. Hence, you may find ample opportunities with hotel chains, resorts, and restaurants.

With hospitality management, the opportunities for employment are far greater and varied. Since you will not be restricted to working in the hotel industry alone, you can utilize your skills in departments such as operations, marketing, HR, finance, and in various administrative positions.

3. Driving factors

Hotel management is largely an operations-oriented subject. Hotel managers mostly ensure each department in the hotel runs like a well-oiled machine. A hotel management degree, thus, provides intense training on how to manage these departments. Hospitality management is about people management. The aim is to make sure guests are comfortable and satisfied with their experience at the event, venue, hotel, etc. A great hospitality employee is one who takes customer/client experiences to the next level.

4. Responsibilities

The primary responsibilities, with hotel management, is ensuring guests enjoy a pleasant stay at their establishment. It involves taking care of them from the moment they check-in to the moment they check-out. Every single activity of the guest has to be outstanding to ensure their visit is worth their money. Departments such as the front desk, travel desk, housekeeping, concierge, room service, guest service, etc. are all the responsibilities of a hotel manager. Similar to hotel management, hospitality management also includes taking care of guests, albeit in a different setting. For example, hospitality managers in large organizations are responsible for meeting and greeting foreign delegates and ensuring they have everything they need for a successful visit.

5. Industry Dependence

India, being one of the premier tourist destinations in the world, enjoys a healthy influx of tourists every year. This allows the hotel industry to thrive and flourish. The hotel industry is, therefore, heavily dependent on the tourism industry. Due to the very fact that hospitality management is all about people, it is independent of any particular industry. Many IT companies, MNCs, and organizations from a wide variety of industries employ hospitality management professionals to coordinate events, meetings, and guest relations. As you can see, hotel management is restricted to managing the operations of a lodging or food and beverage establishment whereas hospitality management includes and extends above and beyond these sectors. This makes hospitality a highly sought-after degree as it offers employment opportunities in a wide array of industries.

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Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

1. What is the difference between hospitality and hotel management?

The main difference between hotel management and hospitality management is- hotel management, covers all aspects of managing a hotel, whereas hospitality management is a broader term that deals with people management in sectors, such as nightclubs, casinos, restaurants, transportation, and even hotels.

2. What are the driving factors of both hospitality and hotel management?

The hospitality sector is driven by the people management while the hotel industry is driven by the operations management.

3. What are some of the responsibilities of a hotel manager?

Departments such as the front desk, travel desk, housekeeping, concierge, room service, guest service, etc. are all the responsibilities of a hotel manager. 

4. Which has a wider scope in terms of career- hospitality or hotel management?

In the hotel industry you may find ample opportunities with hotel chains, resorts, and restaurants. On the other hand since in the hospitality industry you will not be restricted to working in the hotel industry alone, you can utilize your skills in departments such as operations, marketing, HR, finance, and in various administrative positions.

5. Is hospitality and hotel management the same?

Hospitality and hotel management are related fields, but they are not exactly the same. Hospitality management encompasses a broader range of industries and services, including hotels, restaurants, event planning, tourism, catering, and more. Hotel management specifically focuses on the operations, administration, and guest services within hotels and lodging establishments. While hotel management is a part of hospitality management, the latter includes a wider scope of sectors within the hospitality industry.

6. What are the career options with hospitality management?

A degree in hospitality management opens up diverse career opportunities in various sectors, including:

  1. Hotel and Resort Management
  2. Restaurant and Food Service Management
  3. Event Planning and Management
  4. Travel and Tourism
  5. Catering and Banquet Management
  6. Cruise Line Management
  7. Casino and Entertainment Management
  8. Spa and Wellness Management
  9. Club Management
  10. Airlines and Airport Hospitality
  11. Hospitality Consulting
  12. Theme Park Management
  13. Convention and Conference Planning
  14. Retail and Hospitality Merchandising
  15. Destination Management Organizations (DMOs)
7. Is hospitality only for hotels?

No, hospitality extends far beyond hotels. While hotels are a significant component of the hospitality industry, the field encompasses various sectors, including restaurants, event management, tourism, travel agencies, catering services, cruise lines, resorts, spas, casinos, and more. The hospitality industry is all about providing excellent service and creating positive experiences for guests and customers in various settings.

8. What are the salaries in hospitality management and hotel management?

Salaries in hospitality management and hotel management can vary widely based on factors such as the specific role, location, level of experience, and the size and reputation of the establishment. Entry-level positions like front desk agents or food service staff might have lower salaries, while managerial and executive roles can offer higher compensation. On average, salaries in hospitality management can range from moderate to competitive, with the potential for growth as you gain more experience and responsibility.

9. Is hospitality management a good career?

es, hospitality management can be a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for individuals who enjoy working in a people-oriented and dynamic industry. It offers the opportunity to interact with diverse people, be creative, and develop strong customer service skills. The industry's global nature also provides opportunities to work in various locations and cultures. However, it's important to be aware that the hospitality industry can be demanding, involving long hours, weekends, and holidays, particularly in roles directly interacting with customers. Success in hospitality management often requires a passion for service, adaptability, leadership skills, and a willingness to continuously learn and grow.


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