IPU CET BHMCT 2024 - Counselling, Dates, Result, Cutoff

IPU CET BHMCT 2024 - Counselling, Dates, Result, Cutoff

Edited By Prerna Goel | Updated on Jul 02, 2024 09:04 AM IST | #IPU CET

IPU CET BHMCT 2024: Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) announced the extension date for registration and submission of IPU BHMCT application form for admission through CUET as August 27, 2024. The authorities announced the second counselling schedule for IPU CET BHMCT 2024. Candidates need to make payment after the spot round 2 counselling by August 27, 2024. The authorities conducted the IPU BHMCT counselling 2024, category-wise on July 10 and 11. The IPU BHMCT 2024 counselling round 1 was conducted on June 13 and 14. The IPU CET BHMCT 2024 counselling dates are made available on the official website - ipu.ac.in.

This Story also Contains
  1. IPU CET BHMCT 2024: Highlights
  2. IPU CET BHMCT Dates 2024
  3. IPU CET BHMCT Eligibility Criteria 2024
  4. IPU CET BHMCT Application Form 2024
  5. IPU CET BHMCT Admit Card 2024
  6. IPU CET BHMCT Syllabus 2024
  7. IPU CET BHMCT Sample Papers 2024
  8. IPU CET BHMCT Result 2024
  9. IPU CET BHMCT Counselling 2024
IPU CET BHMCT 2024 - Counselling, Dates, Result, Cutoff
IPU CET BHMCT 2024 - Counselling, Dates, Result, Cutoff

The authorities released the IPU CET 2024 answer key. The candidates could raise objections for the exam held on May 5, if any, related to the question paper and answer key till May 8, 2024, up to 6 PM. The candidates who wish to raise objections had to pay Rs.200 per question. The IPU CET 2024 exams were held from April 27 to May 12, 2024. The IPU CET 2024 admit card was released on April 22. Candidates could download the IPU CET admit card 2024 using the login credentials at the official website.

The authorities closed the GGSIPU CET 2024 registrations on April 15. The authorities released the online application registrations for GGSIPU CET 2024 on February 1. Registrations were submitted online at the official website - ipu.admissions.nic.in. The last date for submission of the GGSIPU CET application form 2024 was extended to April 15, instead of March 31.

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University (GGSIPU) release IPU CET BHMCT 2024 counselling for various UG and PG programs. GGSIPU released IPU CET BHMCT 2024 seats for academic year 2024-25 in the second week of July at ipu.admissions.nic.in. Registration for IPU CET BHMCT counselling 2024 can be completed on the official website. GGSIPU declared the IPU CET BHMCT result in the second week of July in online mode.

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The official website for IPU CET BHMCT is ipu.ac.in. Interested and eligible candidates could fill out the form by paying an IPU CET application fee of Rs 1200. Candidates who appeared for the IPU CET BHMCT exam and whose names appear on the rank list will be called to participate in the IPU counselling process. The IPU CET BHMCT exam is conducted to offer admission to students in the Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT) programme which has a duration of 4 years. GGSIPU will declare the dates related to IPU CET 2024.

IPU CET BHMCT 2024: Highlights



Exam name

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test

Conducting body

Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University

Commonly known as


Exam level

University level

Mode of application form


Exam category

Undergraduate level

Exam mode


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IPU CET BHMCT Dates 2024

Candidates can refer to the table below for important dates of IPU CET BHMCT 2024 includes application form, admit card, exam, result dates, and more. Please see the table below for more information:

Exam Dates of IPU CET BHMCT


Tentative Dates

Start date of IPU CET BHMCT application form

February 1, 2024

Last date for filling the IPU CET BHMCT registration

April 15, 2024

Date of release of IPU CET admit card

April 22, 2024

IPU CET BHMCT 2024 exam date

April 27 to May 12, 2024

IPU CET BHMCT result date

May 2024

IPU CET BHMCT counselling dates

Round 1 - June 13 to 14, 2024

Round 2- July 10 & 11, 2024

Filling of choices start date

Second week of July 2024

Filling of choices last date

Third week of July 2024

Total IPU CET BHMCT 2023-24 seats release date

July 13, 2024

Counselling result

To be notified

Session commences

To be notified

IPU CET BHMCT Eligibility Criteria 2024

The IPU CET BHMCT eligibility criteria includes several factors such as the qualifying examination, educational board, and the minimum percentage required to be eligible for the test. Below are the detailed eligibility criteria for IPU CET BHMCT 2024:

  • Candidates must be citizens of India

  • Candidates must be between 18 and 21 years of age

  • Candidates must have passed 10+2 from a recognized board or equivalent

  • Candidates must have obtained an aggregate of 50%* and must have passed English as a core/functional/elective subject

(*The aggregate of 50% will be calculated based on the best four subjects. The best four subjects will be specified before counselling if necessary).

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IPU CET BHMCT Application Form 2024

The IPU CET application form online submission was closed. Before filling out the IPU CET BHMCT 2024 application form, candidates should have the following documents ready:

What are the Documents to Keep Ready Before Filling IPU CET BHMCT Application Form 2024?

Candidates should have the following documents ready according to the given specifications before filling out the IPU CET BHMCT 2024 application form:

Document Specifications



File Size

Scanned copy of candidate’s recent passport size colour photograph

JPEG/JPG or GIF format

Not more than 80 KB in size

Scanned copy of student’s signature

Left-hand thumb impression of candidates

Candidate’s educational qualifications as per eligibility criteria

Caste Certificate (SC/ST/OBC) & Category Certificate (EWS)

Disability Certificate - applicable in case of Persons with Benchmarked Disability (PWD).

Details of Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking for making payment through online mode (If applicable).

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Steps to Fill IPU CET BHMCT Application Form

Step 1 - Registration

To register for the IPU CET BHMCT exam, students had to fill out the application form with their personal details. This includes selecting the exam category from the drop-down menu and providing information such as

  • Candidate’s name

  • Middle name

  • Surname

  • Date of birth

  • Father’s name

  • Gender

  • Mother’s name

  • Category

  • Nationality

  • Aadhar card number

  • Religion

  • Physically handicapped (Y/N)

  • Defence (Y/N)

  • Region/state from where qualifying exam passed

  • J&K migrant (Y/N)

  • Identification mark

Mailing address

  • Address line 1

  • Address line 2

  • State

  • City

  • Pincode

Contact Details

  • Email ID

  • Mobile number

  • Residence number

Step 2 - Upload Documents

In this section of the IPU CET BHMCT application form, students are required to upload the necessary documents according to the specifications provided in the table above. Once the personal details have been entered and the documents have been uploaded, students can proceed by clicking on the ‘Next’ button.

Step 3 - Enter Qualification Details

After selecting the exam category, the qualification page will appear on the screen. Students must enter the following information about their 10th and 12th classes in the IPU CET BHMCT application form:

  • Year of passing

  • Board/University

  • Percentage of marks

  • Qualifying exam

  • Work experience

Once the academic details have been entered, students must click on ‘Next’ to be taken to the final submission page.

Step 4 - Declaration

In this section of the IPU CET BHMCT application form, students must complete the following steps:

  • Fill in the captcha

  • Check the ‘I agree’ box

  • Click on the ‘Submit’ button

After clicking on the ‘Submit’ button, a pop-up message will appear asking students to review their information with two options: ‘OK’ and ‘Cancel’. Students should carefully review the information they have entered in the application form before submitting it. If any changes need to be made, they can click on the ‘Cancel’ button to make those changes.

Step 5 - Create a Login ID and Password

After clicking on the ‘OK’ button, a new message appears prompting candidates to record their login ID and password.

Step 6 - Course Application

To apply for a course, students must navigate to the course application tab and select their desired course from the provided list

Step 7 - Select Exam Centres

In this section of the IPU CET BHMCT application form, students have to choose the exam centre of their choice. Post selecting the course and test centres, students have to tick against the declaration statement and then click on the ‘Submit’ button.

On clicking on the ‘Submit’ button, students get a message box to preview the details that have been filled in. If a candidate wants to change any of the details provided by him/her, then he/she can click on the ‘Cancel’ button.

Step 8 - Make the Payment:

To complete the application process, candidates must make the required payment by clicking on the “Make Payment” button.


Mode of Payment

Rs. 1200

Credit card, debit card and internet banking

Step 9 - Course Registration and Form Generation

After making the payment, candidates will be redirected to a page displaying their personal and course details, as well as their transaction ID. Candidates should take a printout of this page for future reference. It is important to note that candidates should not attempt to register for the same course more than once. In the event of multiple registrations, only the one with the highest registration number will be considered as the final application, and all other registrations will be automatically cancelled.

IPU CET BHMCT Admit Card 2024

Candidates could download their IPU CET BHMCT admit card in online mode. It is mandatory for candidates to bring their IPU CET BHMCT 2024 admit card to the exam center in order to be allowed to take the exam. The admit card will contain the following information:

  • Candidate’s name

  • Student’s photo

  • Signature

  • Thumb impression

  • Address of exam center

  • Exam time

What If There Is a Discrepancy In the Admit Card?

After registering for CETs, candidates can download and print their e-admit cards from the GGSIPU website. If the e-admit card does not contain a photograph, candidates are advised to bring two recent passport-size photographs to the examination center, along with photo identification proof. These photographs will be used to paste onto the attendance sheet or admit card.

IPU CET BHMCT Exam Pattern 2024

To prepare effectively for the IPU CET BHMCT exam, it is crucial for candidates to be familiar with the IPU CET BHMCT exam pattern. As per the exam pattern, students are required to choose the right answer from the four options provided. For more information on the IPU CET BHMCT exam pattern, please refer to the table below.

Exam Pattern of IPU CET BHMCT



Types of questions

Multiple choice questions, Multiple select questions

Number of questions


Mode of exam


Medium of the exam


Duration of the test

Two and a half hour

Marking scheme

  • One mark is deducted for every wrong answer

Marking scheme

  • Four marks are awarded for every correct answer.

IPU CET BHMCT Syllabus 2024

It is essential for students who are planning to appear for the entrance test to have a detailed understanding of the IPU CET BHMCT syllabus 2024. This will give them an idea about the significant topics that can help them score maximum marks. Being familiar with the syllabus will aid in their exam preparation. The sections from which questions are asked in the exam are listed below:

  • English Language and Comprehension (25%)

  • Knowledge of accounts/commerce and science (20%)

  • Logical and Analytical Ability including Computer awareness (30%)

  • General Awareness (20%)

IPU CET BHMCT Sample Papers 2024

After completing the preparation from the IPU CET syllabus, students are advised to practice the BHMCT sample paper to prepare effectively for the exam. The sample paper will help them identify the topics from which most questions are asked. Additionally, practicing the sample paper can boost students’ confidence and accuracy levels.

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IPU CET BHMCT Result 2024

The result of IPU CET BHMCT 2024 declared in online mode. The qualified students have to take part in the counselling based on their scores on the entrance test. candidates can check the IPU CET cutoff in online mode only.

IPU CET BHMCT Counselling 2024

Candidates whose names appeared in the merit list can appear for the counselling of IPU CET. The IPU CET BHMCT 2024 counselling will be conducted on July 10 & 11 for round 2. The IPU CET BHMCT counselling 2024 for round 1 was conducted on June 13 and 14. The IPU CET BHMCT counselling result will be announced accordingly.

Top Hospitality Entrance Exam

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Who is the conducting body of IPU CET BHMCT exam?

The conducting body of IPU CET exam is Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University.

2. What is the mode in which IPU CET will be conducted?

IPU CET BHMCT 2024 exam was conducted in online mode.

3. When will the application form of IPU CET BHMCT 2024 be released?

The application form for IPU CET BHMCT was released on February 1, 2024.

4. Upto when will the registration window stay open?

The IPU CET BHMCT registration last date was up to April 15, 2024.

5. When will the IPU CET BHMCT exam be conducted?

The IPU CET BHMCT 2024 exam was conducted from April 27 to May 12, 2024.

6. When can the admit card of IPU CET 2024 be expected?

The admit card of IPU CET BHMCT was released on April 22, 2024.

7. What is the application fee of the IPU CET BHMCT form?

The IPU CET BHMCT application form fee will be Rs. 1200.

8. What is the mode in which the IPU CET BHMCT application form can be filled?

The IPU CET BHMCT application form could be filled in online mode via credit card, debit card or internet banking.

9. Is there any age limit criteria?

Yes, for applying to UG courses, candidates must be at least 17 years old and not more than 21 years old.

10. When can the result of IPU CET BHMCT be expected?

IPU CET BHMCT result is available on the official website in the form of merit list. Candidates should download the pdf of merit list to check their result.


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Questions related to IPU CET

Have a question related to IPU CET ?

Hello friend, here is the counselling dates available-

The counselling schedule for IPU CET 2019 has been announced. Candidates can check the table below to know the dates for the counselling process.

Counselling: Round I Important Dates
Registration for IPU CET Counselling & Choice Filling July 9 – July 14, 2019
Verification of Reserved Category Certificates at Designated Centres July 10 – July 14, 2019
Payment of Fees (through online modes) July 9, 2019 (onwards 5:00 PM) to
July 13, 2019 (upto 11:50 PM)
Payment of Fees (Bank Challan) July 12, 2019 (Banking Hours)
Seat Allotment To Be Notified
Freezing of Allotment To Be Notified
Withdrawal of Admission To Be Notified
Counselling: Round 2
Choice Change after payment of fees for the first round To Be Notified
Seat Allotment To Be Notified
Printing allotment/offer letter and part academic fee payment To Be Notified
Freezing seat allotment To Be Notified
Admission withdrawal To Be Notified
Counselling: Round 3
Choice Change after payment of fees for the second round To Be Notified
Seat Allotment To Be Notified
Payment of Fees To Be Notified
Display of Open House Counselling Schedule, if required To Be Notified
Open House Counselling/Spot Counselling To Be Notified


With your rank of 938 in IPU CET it will be a little difficult to obtain admission in GGSIPU BHMCT College courses. The number of seats in BHMCT is very limited and according to previous year's cut off ranks it may be difficult for you to get admission as the rank required was below 500. So please consider applying for the counselling to see if you get any admission by luck. If not you can apply for private colleges. Hope this answer helps!

Hello Mayank

As you have stated that you have secured the rank of 255 in IPU CET in Bachelor of Hotel Management and Catering Technology (BHMCT),  I am pleased to inform you that yes with your rank you can get very good colleges in Indraprastha University. You might even give Banarsidas Chandiwala Institute for Hotel Management and Catering which is one of the best colleges in IP for your course.Go for counselling and select your seat in choice filling. I hope it helped .

Hello aspirant, 

Congratulations for this much rank in Bhmct. There is very decent chance for you to get admission in top colleges of Indraprasth. To learn more about colleges and the courses offered under Indraprasth go thorough this link

There is also previous year cutoff ranks, so you can predict according to your rank 


Good Luck. 

Hello Vasu,

Since you have secured a good rank in IPU CET and will get a good collge in BHM but since you have not metioned your domicile in your question it becomes hard to give you a proper answer regarding to your problem but I am sharing a link with you which will help you in a good way 



Hope these gonna help you and can ask for further query 

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Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French, German, Italian

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Event Manager

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Event Managers manage teams, delegate tasks, and handle unexpected challenges to ensure events are successful. Strong organisational, communication, and problem-solving skills are vital in this role. They operate in diverse settings, including corporate, social, and entertainment events, and may work independently or for event management companies.

Also read: Bachelor of Event Management (BEM) Course

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A travel agent works in the tour and travel industry. His or her work responsibility involves arranging travel for the end clients such as individuals, corporations, or groups on behalf of suppliers such as hotels, airlines, package tours, and other facilities. A travel agent involves working for an independent travel agency or can be a part of a travel agency. 

Individuals who opt for a career as a travel agent are involved in planning trips for their clients in their day-to-day life. Travel agents stay updated about the hospitality and travel industry. Students can pursue some travel agent courses, such as BTTM (Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management), and MTHM (Master in Tourism and Hotel Management) to become a travel agent. 

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A hotel manager manages the hotel staff and services provided to clients and guests. Individuals in the hotel management career path, negotiate on contracts with vendors providing various services in the hotel. He or she coordinates with different departments to ensure that the best services and facilities are provided to guests. 

The hotel manager manages the hotel's budget. He or she supervises staff and maintains rules and regulations. The hotel manager handles customer relationships and solves their issues. Here, in this article, we will discuss the details of a hotel management career, and how to get into a hotel management career.

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The bartender is the person who mixes and serves drinks at the bar. He or she helps the people to serve drinks at parties which adds to the glamour of the event or the night and makes the environment like a party mood. It is difficult to plan parties without the help of a bartender serving beers and alcohol with all the mixing techniques. 

Students can pursue BHM (Bachelor of Hotel Management), or other related courses to opt for a bartender career in India. Here, in this article, we will discuss the details of how to become a Bartender in India, bartending a good job, bartender career growth, bartender roles and responsibilities, bartender courses in India, and bartender skills. 

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Station Master

A Station Master is also known as SM in its abbreviated form. He or she is an executive employed by Indian Railway Recruitment Board responsible for running trains at a station. The role of Station Master comes with the responsibility of being in charge of running trains at the station assigned to him or her. 

A career as Station Master requires to holds the responsibility to operate signals and ensure everything is as per the railway rules and regulations. The primary responsibility of the Station Master is ensuring that all the passenger amenities are fit and fine at his or her station so that travellers do not face any problems.

4 Jobs Available

Linguistic meaning is related to language or Linguistics which is the study of languages. A career as a linguistic meaning, a profession that is based on the scientific study of language, and it's a very broad field with many specialities. Famous linguists work in academia, researching and teaching different areas of language, such as phonetics (sounds), syntax (word order) and semantics (meaning). 

Other researchers focus on specialities like computational linguistics, which seeks to better match human and computer language capacities, or applied linguistics, which is concerned with improving language education. Still, others work as language experts for the government, advertising companies, dictionary publishers and various other private enterprises. Some might work from home as freelance linguists. Philologist, phonologist, and dialectician are some of Linguist synonym. Linguists can study French, German, Italian

2 Jobs Available
Travel Agent

A travel agent works in the tour and travel industry. His or her work responsibility involves arranging travel for the end clients such as individuals, corporations, or groups on behalf of suppliers such as hotels, airlines, package tours, and other facilities. A travel agent involves working for an independent travel agency or can be a part of a travel agency. 

Individuals who opt for a career as a travel agent are involved in planning trips for their clients in their day-to-day life. Travel agents stay updated about the hospitality and travel industry. Students can pursue some travel agent courses, such as BTTM (Bachelor of Tourism and Travel Management), and MTHM (Master in Tourism and Hotel Management) to become a travel agent. 

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Travel Journalist

A travel journalist is one who travels to different locations, explores them, and researches their history and cultural heritage. The travel journalist plans and organises the trip and looks after factors such as bookings, routes, destinations to visit, expenses, and other logistics. The travel journalist writes about the experience throughout the journey on various social media platforms, magazines, or even blogs. 

He or she might also create travel guidebooks or memoirs to guide other tourists through his or her experience. Here, in this article, we will be discussing what a travel journalist does, travel journalist's salary is, how to become a travel journalist, how a travel journalist is in India, what a travel journalist's job description is, and what is travel journalism.

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Travel Planner

A travel planner is a professional who assists clients or people in planning and organising their trips. He or she is responsible for making arrangements for the client's travel requirements such as reservations, booking flights, and arranging transport. A travel planner may also visit the holiday destinations and resorts to help the clients make informed decisions.

In a career as a travel planner, he or she must design cost-effective travel packages according to the client's needs and budget and provide the best recommendations to them. The travel planner oversees the negotiations for the accommodation, transportation, rental companies, tour guides and restaurants for the clients to get the maximum benefits of trips.   

2 Jobs Available
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